By Steven G. MehtaSteve Mehta


I am pleased to announce that I was recently interviewed by the Central Valley Business Times regarding negotiations and regarding my book.  The interview includes an audio and written part.  Here is a brief excerpt.  I hope you like it.

It’s part of the fabric of life, but when it comes to negotiating, few people do it well, says Steven Mehta.

“Whether we’re negotiating the sale of a product or whether we’re negotiating with our spouse … everything becomes a negotiation in life,” says Mr. Mehta, a Valencia-based attorney and mediator who specializes in negotiations. Becoming a better negotiator is a skill that can be learned, he says. “One of the biggest problems that happens for small businesses as well as other negotiators is the failure to properly prepare for the negotiation,” says Mr. Mehta. “Superior negotiators prepare approximately 400 percent more than average negotiators.”

To get the full interview, click here.